1 | 一般来讲这种情况很少,也很困难。大学必须要保持系与系之间的平衡。如果学生都允许随意转系的话,那么他们的数量就会很大而使得学校无法应付。 | Generally speaking , it is unusual and very difficult. The university must maintain a balance among the departments. If students are allowed to move to other departments freely, then their number would be too great to be handled. | |
2 | 一般来说﹐父系家族比母系家族要亲得多。 | Generally speaking , paternal side is closer as compare to the maternal side. | |
3 | 一般来说,地方各级政府在施政过程中,在不违反下级服从上级的原则下,自行管理当地事务。 | Generally speaking , the local governments at various levels can administer local affairs of their own, while following the principle of the subordination of the low level government to the high government. | |
4 | 一般来说,典型的金属能导热导电,表面有光泽,具有延展性和可锻性。 | Generally speaking , the typical metal conducts electricity and heat. It shows lustrous surface, usually with white, or so-called metallic luster. It is ductile and malleable. | |
5 | 一般来说,调皮的孩子不受老师的宠爱。 | Generally speaking , naughty boys are in teacher’s bad books | |
6 | 一般来说,开矿这种事业不是大大成功便是彻底失败。 | Generally speaking , mineral exploitation is a feast-or-famine industry. | |
7 | 一般来说,买方应承担包装费用。 | Buyers, generally speaking , bear the change of packing. | |
8 | 一般来说,佣金多少由订货量决定 | Generally speaking , commission depends on the quantity of goods ordered. | |
9 | 一般来说,游览西湖及其周围景点花上两天时间较为合适。 | Generally speaking , it is advisable for a tourist to have a two-day tour of the West Lake and scenic spots around it | |
10 | 一般来说,有两种木楼面,即:单层楼面和双层楼面。所有的木楼面都用木板铺盖,详述于后。 | There are, generally speaking , two types of timber floors, namely:(a)Single Floor;(b)Double Floor. All timber floors are covered with floor boarding, described later. | |
11 | 一般来说,与建筑物相关的预制装配式结构分为两种。 | Generally speaking , prefabricated construction in relation to buildings is divided into two classes. | |
12 | 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。 | Generally speaking ,futures contract,not the commodity,is sold and bought in the futures market. | |
13 | 一般来说,这种广义的山歌概念更有助于我们对山歌体裁艺术特色的理解。 | Generally speaking , this broad concept of mountain songs is conducive to our understanding of what the artistic traits of the mountain song types are. | |
14 | 一般来说,这种杂志的报导通常不是真实的。 | Generally speaking , those kind of magazines aren’t always true. | |
15 | 一般来说,重罪是严重的犯罪行为,受到的惩罚是进监狱。 | Generally speaking , felonies are the more serious crimes and are usually punishable by imprisonment in a penitentiary. | |
16 | 一般说来,地方性是其最大的特点,称呼上大都在乐器组合样式之前冠以地名 | Generally speaking , geographic origin is its most distinguishing characteristic | |
17 | 一般说来,地震时,在地下问题会比地面少。顺便说一句,八重洲还有应急发电机和一个化学灭火系统。 | Generally speaking , there would be fewer problems underground than on the surface in case of earthquakes. By the way Yaesu also has emergency generators for power and a chemical system for fighting fire. | |
18 | 一般说来,历代皇都的所在地,也正是今日民间乐种流传最密集、民间乐社最集中、民间乐师分布最为广泛的地区。 | Generally speaking , the locations of the imperial capitals in ancient times are the centers of the transmission, orchestras and maestros of folk music today. | |
19 | 一般说来,生在富贵人家的孩子很少有什么出息 | Generally speaking , very few of those who were Born with a silver spoon in their mouth will make the mark | |
20 | 一般说来,他们对反帝斗争是可以做出一些贡献的。 | Generally speaking ,they might make some contribution to the anti-imperialist struggle. | |
21 | 一般说来,我更喜欢吃清淡的食物。 | Generally speaking , I prefer blander food. | |
22 | 一般说来,与数量不相关的作业包括像材料处理、生产准备、生产计划、购销定单的填制等支持性作业。 | Generally speaking , the non-volume-related activities consist of many supporting activities such as materials handling, set-ups, production scheduling, buying or selling order filling, and etc. | |
23 | 一般说来男孩子对这种活动兴趣比女孩子大。 | Generally speaking , boys are more interested in such activities than girls. | |
24 | 这个系统的功能通常有三种模式,即辅导模式,练习与操练模式和对话模式。 | Generally speaking , the system includes three modes according to different functions. They are modes of coaching, exercise and drill, and dialogue. | |
25 | 这些年总的发展不错,国家情况好,人民生活逐步提高。 | Generally speaking , over the past few years things have been going very well in our country,the economic situation has been good, and living standards have gradually risen. | |
26 | 中国人请客吃饭,一般情况是重吃不重谈。中国人认为酒菜不丰盛是不尊重客人。麦克应邀到他的中国同事王丽家作客。 | Generally speaking , eating is more important than talking at a dining table for Chinese people think scant wine and dishes are impolite to guests. Mike is invited to her colleague Wang Li’s home. | |
27 | 总的讲,我们有四个不变,坚持四项基本原则不变,一心一意搞四个现代化建设不变,对外开放政策不变,进行经济体制改革和政治体制改革的方针不变。 | Generally speaking , four things will remain unchanged,the Four Cardinal Principles, our wholehearted drive for modernization, the opening to the outside world and the reform of our economic and political structures. | |
28 | 总的来说,VOD的出现主要是由于一系列重要行业中所发生的技术突破,比如计算机软件和硬件、电缆、电讯与电子消费产品。 | VOD is made available by, generally speaking , the technological breakthroughs in a number of leading industries such as computer software and hardware, cable, telecommunications and consumer electronics. | |
29 | 总的来说,海运比铁路运输更便宜,但速度慢一些。 | Generally speaking , its cheaper but slower to ship goods by sea than by rail. | |
30 | 总的来说,他们的生活也比过去好一些了,国家和社会正在帮助他们努力摆脱贫困。 | Generally speaking , they are better off than before, and the government and society are helping them shake off poverty. |